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the supreme buddha of the nāgas also
龙种上佛  detail>>
buddha alive a living buddha also
生佛  detail>>
Ⅰ形容词 1.(食品中油脂过多, 使人不想吃) greasy; oily  短语和例子   汤太腻了。the soup is too oily. 这炖...  detail>>
buddha realm land or country see also
佛纥差怛罗  detail>>
n-gas model
模拟计算时采用的烟气组成模型  detail>>
 adv.  亦,也,同样;〔口语〕而且,还。 Tom has been to Canada. Harry has also been to Canada. 汤姆去过加拿...  detail>>
also for
船舶挂靠港  detail>>
and also
再就是  detail>>
but also
之后部分  detail>>
there is also
一字佛顶轮王经  detail>>
 n.  佛陀〔佛教徒对释迦牟尼的尊称〕佛,如来佛。  detail>>
the buddha
佛陀  detail>>
with buddha
香醉山  detail>>
 adj.  最上的,最高的,极上的,无上的,非常的,极度的,最优秀的,最重要的。 the S- (Being) 上帝。 the S- Pontiff 罗马教皇。 a s...  detail>>
n-type oxide gas sensor
型氧化物气敏元件  detail>>
oily flavour  detail>>
also also
同时装上新药用德文或英文谈话时满口的“  detail>>
n-2 gas tank pressurizing unit
氮气罐压力装置  detail>>